Thursday 3 August 2017

Challenge #39 Anything Goes Winners

Hello Everyone

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in with our last challenge. We had a great time visiting your blogs and seeing your creations.  We had an amazing 260 entries thats an all time record for us here at Craft Rocket so Thank you to everyone for your support!

I am so pleased to be able to announce the Winners
So here we go.......

The Random Winner is 

#156 Donna Mundinger

The Chosen Winner is

#195 Mistyblue's Creations

Congratulations to you both

Once again this was so hard to choose but The Top 5 in entry number order is......

#20 Lynda's Crafty Hall 
#44 Jac 
#59 Sheryl Hare 
#151 Fidibi 

#252 Suzi McKenzie 

and The DT Favourite as chosen by Alex  is......

#29 AJ 

Please grab your badges from the Sidebar to display on your blog!

Well done to everyone.  There will be a new challenge starting today, please come back and check out or next challenge theme and play along!


  1. Oh da freue ich mich aber das ein Rösslein unter die TOP 5 gekommen ist.

    Vielen Dank

  2. Congrats to all the winners.. Thank You Alex for choosing my mermaid as the DT favorite.. I will display the badge with honor...

  3. Thrilled to be a winner and congrats to all. Grabbing my badge. xxD

  4. Congratulations everyone, I am thrilled to have made it into the top 5, it's made my day, thanks x
